Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Virtual reality creates false memories

"False Memories" is a tribute to the actions that people are not really committed. This phenomenon is well known to all who have watched the movie "Total Recall" Incidentally, those false memories have now become very relevant and in film, and other genres of popular culture, in conjunction with a global trend to a change in the values of Western civilization in the direction of pleasure.

Scientists already know how to erase memories, is now poised to possible implantation images in the memory of people. It is anticipated that in the future this will become a regular practice and will make life much happier (and in fact it is the meaning of life is considered by many now).
Either way, but research is very active.

The last opening in this area belongs not medical, and marketing, which are also interested in this issue. Professor of Business, Washington University Ann Schlesser published in the December issue of the Journal of Consumer Research "interesting scientific work on the implantation of false memories in the brain (PDF). Well, at the primitive level to do so very easily.

Ann Schlesser conducted such an experiment. Two groups of respondents showed two versions of the site on the same digital camera. At one site has been static pictures, and the other Shockwave simulation, which allows povertet camera from all sides. After this "experimental" asked to indicate which of the ten features were in the chamber. Among the options offered to seven and three "false", that is non-existent functions. So, the user group, which worked with interactive images, more often called these "fake" details. That is, in their eyes, the camera has greater functionality than in reality.

The explanation may lie in the fact that Inter is stronger on imagination and employed more of the brain, thus, and there is "noise" in the form of false memories.

In terms of practical Marketing professor advised to check every ad campaign is what real and false memories it brings in the brains of consumers. The introduction of false memories can benefit as well as harm to the business. Benefits, a greater interest in products and harm-reduction loyalty because of the frustration of consumers.