Sunday, July 29, 2007

Microsoft Live Labs: Photosynth change your mind about digital photos

Photosynth combines hundreds or thousands of regular digital photos of a scene to present a detailed 3D model, giving viewers the sensation of smoothly gliding around the scene from every angle. The scene can be constructed regardless of whether the photos are from a single or multiple sources. It’s like a hybrid of a slide show and a gaming experience that lets the viewer zoom in to see greater detail or zoom out for a more expansive view. By viewing the photos in a 3D context you are able to get a better sense for the place where they were captured.

With Photosynth you can:

* Walk or fly through a scene to see photos from any angle.
* Seamlessly zoom in or out of a photo whether it's megapixels or gigapixels in size.
* See where pictures were taken in relation to one another.
* Find similar photos to the one you're currently viewing.

View video.

You can test Photosynth now, follow the link:

Some amazing Photosynth expeditions:
Britain in Pictures: BBC Collection
Microsoft and the BBC have collaborated on a group of Photosynth collections of the dramatic buildings featured in the new BBC series "How We Built Britain in Pictures".

A stunning South Korean Palace is reconstructed in photos. It is the first Photosynth collection ever constructed in partnership with professional and hobbyist photographers in Asia.

Piazza San Pietro, Rome
As impressive today as Bernini intended when he redesigned it in 1656.

Piazza San Marco, Venice
A photo tour of the famous piazza including detailed views of the campanile and basilica.