In USA was created new 3D Display. It can improve entertainment or advertising stuff on next level.
Researchers at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) along have devised a reproducible, low-cost 3D display system. This system allows computer generated 3D objects to be seen in new ways, and will impact the future of interactive systems.
The 3D Display (Interactive 360 degree Light Field Display ) was demonstrated at Siggraph 2007, and won the award for "Best Emerging Technology."
It shows real 3d objects. They is viewable from all angles by multiple users. 6 thousands frame per second! Watch video (MOV; 86,6 mb)
Anisotropic mirror - one of the main components of new display (USC Institute for Creative Technologies). More details.
Scientists have predicted, as people will look through 2000 years
Researchers at the University of Los Angeles described the rights through 2000 years : hair on the body is too warm climate, liver and lungs grow, and with mental problems are due to the presence of toxic substances in food.
Eyes.To maintain contact with pollutants in the atmosphere, eyes will be smaller in size and appearance of pork. The transparent membrane (which now can be found in the internal corner of the eye) will be larger in size and will serve as the second century.
Nose. An increased in size and will be fitted with compartments and caves system to better clean the air. For the same reason, hair in the nose become more dense and long
Lungs. Increase in size and will have more dense the circulatory system, which will allow air is removed from a small number of oxygen, which it remains.
Liver. Since its function is to purify the blood to grow to enormous size, to better filter poisonous substances.
Skin. Will more brutal to avoid burns from chemical pollutants in the atmosphere.
Appendix. Again, a working body, helping to process food, which by then will only plant (as meat is unfit for consumption because of pollution).
Bone structure. Man will slender and short. This will be due to the relative lack of vitamin D (because of the reduced number of sunshine and more vegetable diet).
Hair. Disappear in connection with a strong warming.
Ears. Increased noise pollution will lead to wrinkling in the face, thus making them more like dog. Man will be able to raise them, to listen and give to lower income noise.
Character. Man will be slightly mad. This will be due to the presence of toxic substances in food (which now can be seen by those people who eat a high percentage of mercury)
Respiratory system. Immediately after birth, some time people will be attached to a special machine to help him breathe first weeks of life.
Kidneys. Find a feature-extraction of water from urine and water retention in the body. Instead of fluid people will make pulp, composed of uric acid and toxic substances. Scientists believe that long before the above physiological changes occur humanity begin streets.
"False Memories" is a tribute to the actions that people are not really committed. This phenomenon is well known to all who have watched the movie "Total Recall" Incidentally, those false memories have now become very relevant and in film, and other genres of popular culture, in conjunction with a global trend to a change in the values of Western civilization in the direction of pleasure.
Scientists already know how to erase memories, is now poised to possible implantation images in the memory of people. It is anticipated that in the future this will become a regular practice and will make life much happier (and in fact it is the meaning of life is considered by many now). Either way, but research is very active.
The last opening in this area belongs not medical, and marketing, which are also interested in this issue. Professor of Business, Washington University Ann Schlesser published in the December issue of the Journal of Consumer Research "interesting scientific work on the implantation of false memories in the brain (PDF). Well, at the primitive level to do so very easily.
Ann Schlesser conducted such an experiment. Two groups of respondents showed two versions of the site on the same digital camera. At one site has been static pictures, and the other Shockwave simulation, which allows povertet camera from all sides. After this "experimental" asked to indicate which of the ten features were in the chamber. Among the options offered to seven and three "false", that is non-existent functions. So, the user group, which worked with interactive images, more often called these "fake" details. That is, in their eyes, the camera has greater functionality than in reality.
The explanation may lie in the fact that Inter is stronger on imagination and employed more of the brain, thus, and there is "noise" in the form of false memories.
In terms of practical Marketing professor advised to check every ad campaign is what real and false memories it brings in the brains of consumers. The introduction of false memories can benefit as well as harm to the business. Benefits, a greater interest in products and harm-reduction loyalty because of the frustration of consumers.
Gee-whizz! How many keyboards for computers laptops was created. Flexible, laser and painted by brush from virgin hair. It’s small review:
Most expensive keyboard in the world. Japanese. - $4,142 !
HHKB Professional HP Japan-the Happy Hacking Keyboard
It painted a rare varnish and golden dust. Wanna spill a coffee?
This keyboard varnished by brush from soft Japanese virgin hair.
Bluetooth Virtual Keyboard Amazing Stuff! Find plane surface, direct beams downward and type what you want. Users says, it very uncomfortable, but very cool. You can type in airport and other hives and always be in center of attention.
You can make a sound click by buttons.
CSI: MIAMI(Bluetooth Virtual Keyboard)
Flexible Keyboard I love next flexible keyboard.
If it becomes dirty, you can wash it in wash-bowl, dry it and type and type.
In Japan, riding the train in a skirt is still an invitation to have your ass grabbed or photographed by some random perv. These days, there's a more advanced threat: cameraphones with IR night vision can be tweaked to see through clothes. Cramer Japan made these nylon and polyurethane panties that block IR, hampering the photographs.
The result? ShotGuard Inner Shorts, panties that are impervious to pervs. Adding to the deterrent is that the $17 underwear is available only in a fetish-stifling beige. Next up for Cramer: voyeur-resistant bras.
It's a smartphone. It's an iPod. It's Apple's iPhone -- and its making room on deck for video games. One of the top casual-game publishers just stepped aboard the iPhone express, and analysts are saying the move might lead to other developers climbing on board.
Let the iPhone Games Begin!
iPhone users can log on to via the iPhone's Safari Web browser and play the iPhone-specific version of the original Bejeweled for free. The customized version of Bejeweled leverages the Web 2.0 capabilities of Safari and the wireless capabilities of the iPhone, and has been optimized to take advantage of the iPhone's unique display and input controls.
PopCap developed the Safari-based version of Bejeweled in partnership with Polish developer Arkadiusz Mlynarczyk. PopCap execs did not reveal whether its newest wireless game, Chuzzle Mobile, or its popular mobile game Zuma, will be available for the iPhone. But considering PopCap's success working with the video iPod, more games could be in the works.
Photosynth combines hundreds or thousands of regular digital photos of a scene to present a detailed 3D model, giving viewers the sensation of smoothly gliding around the scene from every angle. The scene can be constructed regardless of whether the photos are from a single or multiple sources. It’s like a hybrid of a slide show and a gaming experience that lets the viewer zoom in to see greater detail or zoom out for a more expansive view. By viewing the photos in a 3D context you are able to get a better sense for the place where they were captured.
With Photosynth you can:
* Walk or fly through a scene to see photos from any angle. * Seamlessly zoom in or out of a photo whether it's megapixels or gigapixels in size. * See where pictures were taken in relation to one another. * Find similar photos to the one you're currently viewing.
Some amazing Photosynth expeditions: Britain in Pictures: BBC Collection Microsoft and the BBC have collaborated on a group of Photosynth collections of the dramatic buildings featured in the new BBC series "How We Built Britain in Pictures".
Gyeongbokgung A stunning South Korean Palace is reconstructed in photos. It is the first Photosynth collection ever constructed in partnership with professional and hobbyist photographers in Asia.
Piazza San Pietro, Rome As impressive today as Bernini intended when he redesigned it in 1656.
Piazza San Marco, Venice A photo tour of the famous piazza including detailed views of the campanile and basilica.
Every action of yours is going to be captured by this Interactive LED Coffee Table and reflected back! It comes to life the moment it senses any movement over it. This sensitive coffee table is more then just a table. It sits calms with slight attractive twinkling when there’s no movement happening. I think it is ideal stress buster furniture. You can just soothe your nerves by watching the soft twinkling lights or indulge in some innovative hand movements to set the LEDs to work. A striking wood lattice underneath spans the side waves and forms a strong shelf for storage. It consumes only 35 watts of power when fully active. That's pretty less than a single common household light bulb!
Using a network of 32 active and passive near-infrared optical sensors, it detects motion above the table and changes in ambient light. Made of fully analog circuits, the light patterns sweep outwards from your motion with perfect fades, glowing stronger the closer the movement is, rippling across a pool of 480 super-bright white LEDs. This Coffee Table is large enough for a big room at 62" long by 31" wide by 18" high and you can opt for a nice thick glass ($300 extra) or plastic top. For $2800, it works in broad daylight as well as night time. However it will look fantastic in dark.
1. Find the possible existing candidates that serve as a paradigm for your client’s redesign, repositioning or strategy change 2. Evaluate each candidate according to technical, brand and business affinity (good: green, average: yellow, bad: red) 3. Explain your evaluation and let your client choose which design, strategy, business paradigm he wants to follow.
Google has rolled out some spectacular new layers for Google Earth. “Astronaut Photography of Earth” is filled with images from the last 40 years of NASA Earth exploration, and “Earth City Lights” has stunning views of our home planet at night, as viewed from space.
The new layers can be found in the Featured Layers section of Google Earth. If you don't have Google's desktop atlas program, it's available as a free download . If you already have Google Earth, there’s no need to upgrade your installation. The layers should be there -- just look for the "NASA" header.
The Magic Wheel is one Swiss designer's answer to the long-gone scooter craze. Consisting of one big wheel and one small wheel, the Magic Wheel operates through the rider planting one foot on the Wheel's platform while pushing with their opposite leg. The idea is best described as unicycle meets skateboard. You put the main wheel in between your legs and put one foot on the board (normally your right one) and push off with your other foot. when you are balanced comfortably you place your other foot on the board and away you go!